Learn Stage Hypnosis with Hypnotist Kris Anthony
Do You Really Want To Learn Stage Hypnosis & Be a Paid Stage Hypnotist?
Learn Stage Hypnosis From a 20+ Year Professional That Has Been There & Actually Done It
Think about it…worldwide there has been thousands of books and DVD’s sold, live courses attended by many….so how come there are not thousands of professionally PAID Stage Hypnotists on the worldwide circuit? The simple reason…a lack of confidence as a Hypnotist resulting from substandard training.
The training is usually taught from Hypnotherapists that think they know how it all works on the stage. Sorry, if you took a Hypnotherapist and put them in front of an audience, guess what…they would die on their feet!
I am a Stage Hypnotist that learnt clinical hypnotherapy (in 2005) and I can teach you how to learn the art of stage hypnosis.
Don’t land up being a Hypnotist that can’t hypnotise.
Real Powerful Hypnotic Psychology & Language
The Real Reasons Stage Hypnosis Works Not The Myth
Over the years I have seen so many incorrect descriptions as to how stage hypnosis works. So many myths and theories as to why it works that are told with so many different agendas. Naivety, ill-trained, untrained and the plain stupid….sorry for putting it this way but I am just being honest.
Every now and then I see something that holds some credibility, a part reason as to what happens. What I never see is all the reasons from one person at the same time. That is because there is more than just one reason as to why a volunteer reacts on stage to the suggestions given by a Stage Hypnotist.
ALL the reasons are covered by any of my courses.
Learn Stage Hypnosis With Safety in Mind – Both Psychological & Physiological
You Can Be Funny Without Compromising Safety
My hands are up…some of my past shows have been ‘hard’ on my volunteers and I will never try to portray otherwise. But, there is a way to do it and a way not to do it. This is taking into consideration both the physiological and the psychological dangers that ARE present with a stage hypnosis show.
There has not been an insurance claim for a long time related to a professional stage hypnosis show when conducted in the correct manor. But there is damage being done psychologically if the correct steps are not taken, or there has been damage but the results are not so obvious or not attributed to the stage hypnosis show that someone had participated in.
Contact me and see how I can help to your hypnotic success.
(The below student feedback is taken from www.udemy.com)
- THE REAL TRUTH TO HOW & WHY IT WORKS (most Hypnotists either do not know or realise the real psychological state the subject / volunteers are in). This is explained in full, every fine detail. When you know fully how it works you can be more effective & more powerful as a Stage Hypnotist.
- When to use a fast hypnotic induction and when to use a slow one. There are specific advantages/disadvantages to both
- Various Hypnotic Inductions including rapid inductions and the hand clasp routine
- Choosing your best subjects from the available volunteers
- Creating your own stage persona
- Sound and lighting / PA equipment
- Marketing and promoting yourself as a Stage Hypnotist
- How and when to use ‘props’ within the show
- Extra source of income via hypnosis including group stop smoking sessions
- Routines & skits that always gain laughter
- Getting a foot in the door of agents and venues
- Insurance & the law
….and so much more from one of the most experienced Comedy Stage Hypnotists in Europe.
The problem with most/all Stage Hypnotism training courses is that they teach that if you do ‘ABC’ then ‘XYZ’ will happen. You will be taught on a typical Stage Hypnotism course how to induce hypnosis and how to deliver suggestion, how to manage them and how to take them out of hypnosis. Great, job done.
But…what if it all goes wrong? And it does.
If any Stage Hypnotist says otherwise they are ‘saving face’. If you fully understand how and why it actually works, you will be fully equipped to deal with any abreaction (a negative physiological or psychological response due to the hypnotism or process you are undertaking) or any part of the show that is not going you way (as the Hypnotist). Equipped with the proper know how and true understanding of how from a psychological aspect it works, you can turnaround any situation to your benefit so you can continue the show and get rebooked.
Here is a fact…there are thousands of people that have read Stage Hypnotism books, seen Stage Hypnotist training DVD’s, that have been on Stage Hypnosis courses, have then gone out there and performed a Stage Hypnosis show and simply ‘died on their feet’. It was the worst and humiliating experience they have ever come across and have never attempted to do it again. Kris has heard the many stories in his time. They were ill equipped and did not have the tools or proper understanding or simply did not know the true and real reason as to why it works.
It is very stereotypical to say ‘you will learn this guarded secret’ but this is the case. I can confidently say there are not many Stage Hypnotists (if any) that know how it really works and this understanding has only come after hypnotising thousands and speaking at length to the subjects/volunteers after the show. Having pushed my volunteers to limits in a way that others worldwide have not ever managed, its this experience and knowledge that has got results that other Stage Hypnotists can only dream of doing.
You can too…
Email: kris@hypnoticshow.co.uk for prices and further details of the live courses or to purchase the 6 hours of training via Dropbox or on a USB stick, go to the top of the page to order now.
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